I confess. I had a yellow 'hateness' and now somebody must have druged me!!

It's true. I've always said to hate yellow and now I found myself blown away by this picture! Somebody must have put something in my water!!
É verdade. Eu sempre disse que detestava amarelo... agora dou por mim completamente arrebatada com esta imagem!! Acho que alguém pôs qualquer coisa na minha àgua!!

living etc
...and then discovered all of these and
thought... silly girl you should have learned your lesson and
depois descobri mais estas imagens e pensei... 
Idiota!... já devias ter aprendido a lição e nunca dizer nunca!!

from Decorpad

living etc

from Alex angle interiors - i like the mix of the yellow and lime

from Kelley Interiors - love the striped walls on this hallway

from Kelley interiors - love the white objects in contrast with the walls

I could use yellow if in some of my favourite patterns...

adorable yellow clutch from Kate spade

nooo, it's adorable but they would have to drug me harder to use this!!!

I confess. I just ordered this yellow trellis.

I really could have this Jonathan Adler jar, but they don't deliver to Portugal!!!

Did somebody drug me?
Can somebody give me the number of a good shrink?!!
Alguém me drogou?
Podem dar-me o telefone de um bom psicólogo?!!
...isto deve ter uma explicação qualquer do foro psicológico.

Até amanhã, Ana Antunes


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