Dear blog followers,
I Loved all the comments about yesterday's post! It was good to know that there are more fashionistas out there, with the same dilemma. Some important details were missing from my post thou; 1. these holidays were for beach destination and car traveling, and not by plane. 2. for three weeks 3. to a place were there are always parties and dress code dinner events to attend. Am I a bit less guilty, now?! ;)))
Many people have been asking me about where I shop for the clothes I use on the show. Here are some of my favorite objects for these holidays and a list of stores where I usually shop. Some are online stores and tell you that I am particularly fond of them lately.
I Loved all the comments about yesterday's post! It was good to know that there are more fashionistas out there, with the same dilemma. Some important details were missing from my post thou; 1. these holidays were for beach destination and car traveling, and not by plane. 2. for three weeks 3. to a place were there are always parties and dress code dinner events to attend. Am I a bit less guilty, now?! ;)))
Many people have been asking me about where I shop for the clothes I use on the show. Here are some of my favorite objects for these holidays and a list of stores where I usually shop. Some are online stores and tell you that I am particularly fond of them lately.
Queridas seguidoras do blogue, adorei todos os comentários ao meu post de ontem! Foi bom saber que há mais mulheres fashionistas, e com os mesmos dilemas que eu. Faltou de facto referir alguns detalhes importantes; que estas férias eram para um destino de praia e em Portugal, e não de avião (menos mal, vá...), para 3 semanas, e onde tenho sempre alguns compromissos sociais e alguns jantares com dress code. Estarei desculpada? ;)))
Bom, mas muitas pessoas me têm feito perguntas sobre o que uso no programa ou onde faço compras. Aqui ficam alguns dos meus objectos favoritos para estas férias e uma lista das lojas onde costumo fazer compras, ou das minhas marcas favoritas. Algumas são lojas online e digo-vos que sou particularmente fã.
My lattest online obsession.
A minha última obessão em compras online.
My all times basics shopping favorite.
A minha favorita de sempre, para os básicos.
Another great online discovery.
Mais uma famulosa descoberta das compras online.
MY FLOWER em Campo de Ourique, R. Roelho da Rocha, 81
A friend's Store where I can allways find the greatest season news.
A loja de uma amiga onde encontro sempre as melhores novidades da estação.
My favorite in Miami, ever!
A minha loja de roupa favorita, em Miami.ZARA
Women's best friend after the credit card!
A melhor amiga da mulher, a seguir ao cartão de crédito!
My favorite for red carpet dresses (in Portugal).
As minha favoritas para vestidos de noite.
I never leave empty handed.
De onde nunca saio de mãos a abanar.
Depois desta lista, minhas amigas,
eu quero ver como vão ficar as vossas malas de férias!
Até Amanhã
Ana Antunes
(Thank you for sharing my passion for beautiful homes)
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