I am completely surrendered to all my dear blog followers! They filled my e.mail box with pictures of fantastic renovations of old painted furniture! Real pearls coming from the hands of talented amateurs of the art of recycling!
It made me think about taking the thing even more serious ... And I am working on some real great Ideas to surprise you. For now I want to reinforce the following;
1. I will get pictures until 15 October and then make a selection of the best and put them to your vote.
2. I received some messages from followers sad because they can not participate. They do not have photos of before, so let's give them a hand and allow them to send images of the after and as an alternative send the picture of a similar piece of furniture from the internet.
3. I decided that the award will not only be a Homestyling box, but I am preparing a small 'basket of surprises' ok?
Meanwhile and for your inspiration let me introduce The Real DIY artist! Her name is Natty she is American, mother of 4 beautiful children those you see on children magazine covers, and she calls herself a 'paint enthusiast'! I've been following her blog for about one year and I am always flabbergasted, with her transformations. If I had a millionaire budget on the show I would fly her over too, to be a part of the Querido Mudei a Casa Team and she would kick some ass... Check her out!
It made me think about taking the thing even more serious ... And I am working on some real great Ideas to surprise you. For now I want to reinforce the following;
1. I will get pictures until 15 October and then make a selection of the best and put them to your vote.
2. I received some messages from followers sad because they can not participate. They do not have photos of before, so let's give them a hand and allow them to send images of the after and as an alternative send the picture of a similar piece of furniture from the internet.
3. I decided that the award will not only be a Homestyling box, but I am preparing a small 'basket of surprises' ok?
Meanwhile and for your inspiration let me introduce The Real DIY artist! Her name is Natty she is American, mother of 4 beautiful children those you see on children magazine covers, and she calls herself a 'paint enthusiast'! I've been following her blog for about one year and I am always flabbergasted, with her transformations. If I had a millionaire budget on the show I would fly her over too, to be a part of the Querido Mudei a Casa Team and she would kick some ass... Check her out!
Estou completamente rendida a todas as minhas queridas seguidoras do blogue! Encheram a minha caixa do e.mail com fotos de fantásticas renovações de móveis antigos pintados! Verdadeiras pérolas vindas das mãos, de talentosas amadoras da arte de reciclar!!
O que me fez pensar em levar a coisa mais a sério ainda... Tive umas ideias e assim que as conseguir concretizar partilho convosco. Para já quero reforçar o seguinte;
1. Vou receber fotos até dia 15 de Outubro para depois fazer uma selecção das melhores e colocá-las para a vossa votação.
2. Recebi algumas mensagens de seguidoras tristes, por não poderem participar por não terem fotos do antes, portanto vamos dar-lhes uma ajuda e podem enviar, como alternativa imagens de um móvel semelhante que tirarem da Internet, ou podem fotografar um móvel igual ou semelhante.
3. Decidi que o prémio não vai ser só uma consulta de Homestyling, mas estou a preparar um pequeno 'cabaz de surpresas' ok?
Entretanto deixo-vos as imagens do blogue da Natty uma verdadeira artista do 'Do It Yourself'!! Ela é uma jovem Americana residente em Arizona , mãe de 4 filhos lindos de capa de revista, e é uma 'entusiasta da pintura e do reciclar'! Sigo o blog dela há cerca de 1 ano e fico sempre de queixo caído com as transformações que ela faz. Se eu tivesse um orçamento milionário no Querido Mudei a Casa eu trazia-a para cá para fazer parte da equipa e 'dar baile' ao João Benedito!!.
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after |
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after |
before |
after |
this is how it looked before |
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after |
this was before |
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Natty - She is a Do it Yourself Master!! |
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this is her blog just click on the image to visit her blog. You won't regret it!! |
This is what I love about blogging.
Finding amazing and talented people like Natty.
Até Amanhã
Ana Antunes
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